Thursday, November 13, 2014

The One with Moments of Joy

You know those moments where you take a second and think...
I am so happy right now.  Right here in this moment everything is just perfect.
I'm not worried about anything.
Everything is going to be ok.

You know when the whole house is clean;
when the children are playing together and not fighting;
when you take a sip of that yummy latte...

When you are filled with peace.

Years ago I didn't know that particular moment of feeling had a name... I just thought I was having a lucky moment because I knew something would come along and stress me out 
in the next moment. 

Then I read Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Love, Pray a few years ago
and she actually describes those moments and calls them MOMENTS OF JOY.

When I heard her description.... I was like yes...those moments are the BEST!!!

Once they had a name in my world.... 
I knew I wanted more of those kinds of moments and not the ones that stress me out.

Eventually, it became apparent to me that it wasn't necessarily those "things" that were giving me that feeling of peace...but how I was choosing to feel in that particular moment.

So even though it's freezing outside...

 and even though my dog has been helping me declutter... 
[When I come home from work to see what he has destroyed 
I am usually left with no choice but to throw it away.]  
Thanks Tripp!
*I'd still rather him destroy things that have him outside freezing.*

Even though I am already looking forward to getting in bed and it's only 7 p.m....

I'm still experiencing moments of joy...
because I have peace.

The thing is...the peace is already inside of us.  
Jesus gave us peace.

We just have to choose to experience it.

Even if the house isn't clean
or if the kids are fighting
or if you have to save your money and skip the latte.

Peace is yours for the taking.

Those moments of joy are waiting for you.

Embrace them.



  1. Amen, friend. I love that. The dog helping declutter. :)

  2. You have such a beautiful heart, my friend! Thank you for sharing that.
