Thursday, August 25, 2016

The One with the First Day of School 2016

Olivia Kate 5th & Jonah Daniel 2nd
The first week of school is almost over.  
It's been a great week.  The kids are getting so big and look so grown.

I hope they both have a great year!!! 

Olivia had braces put on last week.
There is no shame in her smiling game.
I love that! She just rocks at being herself.

Jonah Bear (which I've been told I can only call him at home now) did not want to show any teeth...I have no idea why.  He's just too cool for school.


Name & Age:  Jonah Daniel, 7
Grade Level:  2nd
School:  Childress Elementary 
Teacher's Name:  Mrs. Overmiller
Best Friend:  Dylan
Favorite Color:  Blue
When I grow up, I want to be: Cop
Favorite Snack:  French Fries
Favorite Cereal:  Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Favorite Book:  Lego Batman
Favorite Holiday:   Christmas
Favorite Food:  Chicken & Fries
Least Favorite Food:  Broccoli
Favorite Game:  Call of Duty MW3
Favorite Summer Memory:  Going Swimming with Daddy
3 Words that Describe Me:  Strong, Smart & Fast

Name & Age:  Olivia Kate, 10
Grade Level:  5th
School:  Childress Elementary 
Teacher's Name:  Mrs. Pierce
Best Friend:  Addi & Chloe
Favorite Color:  Teal
When I grow up, I want to be:  a Photographer
Favorite Snack:  Popcorn
Favorite Cereal:  Honey Nut Cheerios
Favorite Book:  The Entire American Girl Doll Series
Favorite Holiday:  My Birthday  
Favorite Food:  Chicken
Least Favorite Food:  Hamburgers
Favorite Game:  Life
Favorite Summer Memory:  Spending the Night with Montana 
3 Words that Describe Me:  Energetic, Nice & Responsible

May all of you student, teachers & parents have an amazing 2016/2017 school year!!


  1. I love that Olivia wants to be a photographer! ❤️ She should come help me take pictures sometime.

  2. The kids look so grown up! Olivia is beautiful, and I love that she rocks that gorgeous smile and her new braces. And Jonah is so handsome! I hope they both have a wonderful school year. I miss you and hope I get to see you soon!
