Welcome back to Tuesday Talk!
What an amazing link up we had last week!
Thank you sooooo much for joining us.
Now...first thing's first ------->
The Winner of my Giveaway is..................
Natalie McClay
Email me (mrscoachsims@gmail.com) your address and I will get your book to you!
Today I want to talk about being authentic. Back in 2012 ... when I started this little blog...that was the main thing I wanted to be - AUTHENTIC.
I spend most of my time being shy, quiet and introverted.
Blogging was going to be a way for me to express myself and get to know others
through writing and social media.
I know that it's easy to paint a perfect picture online and while I spend the majority of my time trying to be encouraging and positive.... I never want you to think I am pretending that I'm perfect or that our lives are perfect.
My house is usually a mess, I spend more time some mornings getting onto the kids than I would like just because I hit snooze more times than I should, I can be super insecure and at times jealous.
This is by far my worst quality. One that I hope to overcome in 2015.
Ugh, blah, I know :)
It's hard to trust again and sometimes it's hard to relinquish control and say to God, "I trust you and I know you will take care of me."
but if there is one thing I have learned this past year...it is
that it's essential.
Lord have mercy is it essential.
The truth of my insecurity is that it has nothing to do
with anyone else.
Just me.
It is completely about the lies in my head that I have allowed myself to believe.
It it a trap. One that can be easy to fall into and one that is challenging to pull yourself out of.
There are many areas of my life that I have resigned to the Lord... ways that I have died to self.
Such as,
I am very forgiving. I don't hold grudges and I let things go easily.
I accept others for who they are and love them as God loves me.
Silence is golden.
I strive to not gossip and to only use my words to build others up and encourage them.
Occasionally, I find myself in a conversation that I usually regret....but I'm quick to change the conversation and ask for forgiveness.
I am truly happy for others when they succeed.
I am excited when good things happen to others.
I love it when someone achieves a goal they have worked hard for.
I love it when others are just generally happy and things are going great for them!
I have learned to be happy where I am and with what I have.
I am thankful for all of my blessings.
I know there are people out there that are praying for the things that we sometimes complain about.
These are a few of the things that over the years as I have walked with God and studied His Word that I have been able to make part of my life.
but Lord help me...this one thing is holding me back from enjoying the completely happy, wonderful life that God has promised me.
I know that this is the year that I will overcome the dark, ugly corner of my mind that is filled with fear and insecurity.
I plan to daily replace it with God's truth.
I plan to let it go....
I don't want any part of it any more.
It's ugly, it's embarrassing and it does not represent the freedom that we have when
we truly are One with God.
In the book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young ... on October 19th she speaks about being authentic.
Where is the peace if we are constantly being fake? Be ourselves, admit where we have failed, move on, be better.
I want to be better.
and I want you to know the true me.
I want to be authentic in all areas of my life.
I don't always talk about things in my life, but when asked questions I will not lie...I am an open book.
I just choose to move forward and be better than I was yesterday.
I hope you have had a great Tuesday.
Thanks so much for reading!
Becky from BYBMG
Beth from Our Pretty Little Girls
Chelsea from The Contented Wife
Elizabeth from All Kinds of Things
Tara from Mrs. Coach Sims
Keri from Living In This Season
Sarah from Abiding In Grace
Lauren from Simply Free
Andrea from Mitchael Journey
Jessica & Katie from Sweet Little Ones
Mandy from Almond Place
Teressa from Teressa Jane
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- Visit the other links and leave some comment love.
- By linking up to this link party, you give us permission to feature an image on our blog and social media. Proper credit and links will be given!
- Remember to link back using the button or text link.
- Optional: On social media #TuesTalk as you share your post
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.