Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The One Where I am soooo Proud of the Kids

I love being a part of a small town, particularly, Quanah.  It is where we are now and it is where we intend on staying.  I love these kids.  I know I am the shiest (shyest, both are correct what??), most reserved coach's wife, but in my heart......  oh it is full of love and compassion for these kids.  I enjoy being at sporting events....of all kinds.... golf, baseball, softball, football, track, basketball, hopefully in the near future tennis and cross country.  I love our own kids, Olivia and Jonah....selfishly I want to have more just so that we will be able to see them "compete".....but I know that is not in our future and I am so happy that each year the "kids" that are under my husband's care are my "very own children" and I get to cheer them on as much as I can.  That brings me so much fulfillment and happiness.  I love to see kids succeed at this level.....and to see them continue on after high school is such an extraordinary bonus that is the icing on the cake.  What I love most are those kids that come back and say, "hey look at what I'm doing!!!!" I am so proud of EACH of EVERY ONE of those kids. 

Today (3/6/14) my husband got to run into one of those kids that have graduated high school and are doing great things with their life. 
This is Coach Sims with Eric Alaniz, QHS Class of 2013. He is now an Airman for the United States Air Force!
We are so proud of you, Eric!


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